My Little Corner of the World

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Thankfully, the rain stayed away today

We have been watching the weather forecast all week for this upcoming weekend. The threat of rain stayed away today and we ended up having a beautiful day today at our first Civil War reenacting weekend event for the year.

Normally, our whole family participates by dressing up and camping out for the whole weekend, but with the anticipated rain and wind in the forecast, Matthew was the only one who dressed appropriately for the weekend.

That is Matthew in the middle of the picture

Some of his friends came by for a visit
Really hard to find Matthew among all those boys in blue out there
The covered bridge at this location is always a great backdrop for pictures.
We usually participate in five or six Civil War events every year. Our next event is at my favorite location close to my favorite national park. I am sure I will have more pictures to share after the next stay tuned...