Dona, Santiago, and Tobolsk
Meet Dona, Santiago, and Tobolsk. I picked them up today knowing that later on this summer, they will produce beautiful heirloom tomatoes!
I am thinking of planting them between the brussel sprouts that have yet to produce any brussel sprouts.
Not sure how much bigger the broccoli is going to get this spring, so maybe we should harvest some of this and roast them to have with dinner tomorrow night.
Could there be a chance we might have blueberries this spring?
We might need to put a net over these to keep the birds away from enjoying them all.
And I need to figure out what pesky pest is eating up my garden.
But in the meantime, I love smelling the sweet fragrance of these...
...and these.
Since we are at the end of March, I really need to start planning my summer garden. What yummy things will you be planting this spring?