Capture Your 365, or not
Usually on Wednesday, I share my week’s worth of Capture Your 365 photos. But not this week. I knew we were going to a Civil War event this past weekend, so I thought I would take a break from the daily photo prompts and share some photos from our weekend.
ISO 200, 55mm, f/4.0, 1/160 sec
Kelsey and a couple of the girls decided to go out on the field as corpsmen with our 20th Maine group this past weekend. Basically, they are responsible for bandaging up any of the fallen soldiers on the field.
ISO 200, 200mm, f/5.6, 1/160 sec
This past year (even though we have only been to two events), Matthew has been ‘playing’ over on the confederate side of the field. Which means my children were on opposite sides!!
ISO 200, 200mm, f/5.6, 1/400 sec
So here is my son, Matthew, kneeling, getting ready to ‘fire’ upon the ‘enemy’.
ISO 200, 165 mm, f/5.3, 1/320 sec
Right in the middle of the photo, Kelsey is holding onto her ‘wounded’ arm.
At one point during the ‘battle’, Kelsey came to the front of their line and shouted, “Brother, stop shooting at us!” I could hear here all the way on the sidelines! Then ‘shots’ were fired, and over she went. Eventually, Matthew ended up being ‘shot’ and ‘died’ out on the field too.
ISO 100, 50mm, f/1.8, 1/500 sec
Overall, it was a beautiful weekend! This was our seventh time at this event! Civil War reenacting has been a great activity for our family. We have learned a lot about the Civil War, and we have been able to spend time with some wonderful people.