My One Word for 2015
Last year was the first year that I choose One Word to define my focus for the year. I have to tell you, that one word was so fitting for those first few months of last year. And has continued to remind me of the many blessings I have in this life.
This year, one word keeps standing out to me...
As a photographer, I know what it takes to focus on the right subject when taking a photo. But as a person, many times, I can get so easily distracted just trying to accomplish the simplest task.
Take today for instance. For weeks, my desk has been haunting me with its clutterness...
Ugh! So today, I took time to plow through a lot of the clutter on this desk. After a couple of hours between working on the desk and doing a few other things around the house, the desk ended up looking like this...
Ah! Perfect? no. Better? yes! In fact, there are a few other areas of my home that could use this kind of attention. But the thing is...I was able to focus (somewhat) on this task until I reached a point of contentment with the results. I don't want to be too focus driven, but I know I can do a better job of focusing on certain areas of my life.
For 2015, I want to focus on a few things:
- my relationship with God
- my relationship with my husband and my children
- my home
- my Compassion children and my Compassion responsibilities
- my photography
- my reading list
And I am going to focus on this Bible verse for the year:
Focus on Him. I know in my heart that this is what I need to do each day, each moment...but there are so many distractions in this life.
Will I focus on Him every moment of every day? Probably not. But if I continue to remind myself that He is who I need to focus on, He will help me to do what is pleasing to Him. There is no checklist of goals or resolutions I need to complete each year.
Have you chosen One Word for 2015?