Life is so unfair

We get frustrated at so many things in this life. I know I do...

Costco stopped carrying frozen orange juice concentrate

It is Monday which means I need to do laundry, meal plan, and grocery shop...again!

There are potato chip crumbs on the couch

We need a new roof and currently don't have any funds available to pay for a new one

But then, I watch a documentary like 'The True Cost', or read a book like 'Jesus, Bread, and Chocolate', or receive a letter from one of our Compassion kids...and it makes me wonder...

What about my life is so unfair?
Why do I feel I have the right to be frustrated?
How can I even try to make a difference?
I am only one person, so why should I even try to make a difference?

I understand that many of the problems in this world are really too big for any one person to tackle...

and I believe that God orchestrates and plans for each person to be on this planet at just the right time for His purpose...

So where can each one of us begin to make sense of this unfair life?

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. - James 1:2-4

Educate yourself - read up on topics that stir your heart, make your blood boil, and that you deeply care about.

Educate others - share quotes from books you read, share statistics about the impact of organizations you are involved with

Volunteer - seek out volunteer opportunities with an organization you can partner with

Life is so unfair

Yes, life is so unfair...but each one of us can use our voice and our actions to make a difference in the lives of many who are less fortunate than we are.

Our First Launch

When your children are little, many older moms always tell you to enjoy the moments you have with your children because the time goes quickly.

My children playing pirates

The days turn into months, and the months turn into years. After all the good times and hard times, you finally arrive at that moment.

You know the one, the moment when your first child is ready to leave home.

Working at the Compassion Mobile Experience

Over the past few years, we have had the opportunity to volunteer at many Compassion events. Concerts, conferences, and the Mobile Experience, Matthew has graciously come along side me to be my traveling companion.

Then, an incredible opportunity came about for Matthew. One that would give him an opportunity to travel around the country, and be a part of making a difference in the lives of children waiting for sponsors with Compassion.

Matthew heading to Nashville

On Sunday, we dropped Matthew off at the airport so he could fly out to his new job! He is now employed at Brewco Marketing Group as a Brand Ambassador for Compassion with their Mobile Experience!

I am over the top excited for him, but I have definitely had some weeping moments over the last couple of days. So much of my life has been poured into my children. I am not sure if there is anything that anyone can say or do that makes this any easier.

But I do know one thing...I completely trust in the Lord that this is His plan for Matthew at this point of his life. As much as we will miss him while he is not in our home, we know that he is going to be making a huge difference in the lives of many children around the world.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Good News Still Comes in the Mail

Back in October of 2011, my daughter became the correspondent sponsor to a young lady in Uganda. Since that time, Kelsey has been a faithful letter writer and prayer warrior for Alesi.  In her letters to Alesi, Kelsey shares with her little things about her life and Bible verses to encourage her. 

Today, she received the best news in a letter from Alesi!

Good News Still Comes in the Mail
"I have accepted Jesus into my heart and I have accepted Him as my personal Savior in August 2014"

Everyday, we get really excited when cream colored envelopes from Compassion arrive in our mailbox. But this one letter, from one young lady in Uganda, is an extra special letter.

Because of one faithful sponsor providing the financial portion of Alesi's sponsorship, and because of the faithful workers and volunteers at the center Alesi is attending in Uganda, and because of the faithful prayers and letters of a 15 year old young lady, Alesi now has an eternal home.

"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" - Romans 6:23

This is not the life I should have

Over the weekend, my son and I had the opportunity to work the Compassion table at a youth conference. On Saturday, we were able to hear Lincoln Brewster share a bit about his family life. It struck me when he said, "If they had taken a vote in high school to see who would be least likely to be a worship leader, I would have won that contest."

I could so relate to his statement. I never had any intention of relying on anyone for anything. My goal was to climb the corporate ladder and be one of those 'look, she has it all together career moms'. I know God must have been laughing, because He knew the path my life would take.

Be a stay-at-home mom? No way!

Be a homeschool mom? Not ever in my lifetime!

Minister to children through an organization I had never even heard about in high school? That was something that was never on my radar.

My life is different today than I would ever have thought possible. And I am in awe that God loves me so much that He has allowed me to do things I never thought would be a part of my life. Makes me kind of wonder what other plans He has for my future.

My One Word for 2015

Last year was the first year that I choose One Word to define my focus for the year. I have to tell you, that one word was so fitting for those first few months of last year. And has continued to remind me of the many blessings I have in this life.

This year, one word keeps standing out to me...

My One Word for 2015: Focus

Webster's 1828 Dictionary defines focus as "In optics, a point in which any number of rays of light meet, after being reflected or refracted; as the focus of a lens."

As a photographer, I know what it takes to focus on the right subject when taking a photo. But as a person, many times, I can get so easily distracted just trying to accomplish the simplest task.

Take today for instance. For weeks, my desk has been haunting me with its clutterness...

cluttered desk

Ugh! So today, I took time to plow through a lot of the clutter on this desk. After a couple of hours between working on the desk and doing a few other things around the house, the desk ended up looking like this...

My de-cluttered desk

Ah! Perfect? no. Better? yes! In fact, there are a few other areas of my home that could use this kind of attention. But the thing is...I was able to focus (somewhat) on this task until I reached a point of contentment with the results. I don't want to be too focus driven, but I know I can do a better job of focusing on certain areas of my life.

For 2015, I want to focus on a few things:

  • my relationship with God
  • my relationship with my husband and my children
  • my home
  • my Compassion children and my Compassion responsibilities
  • my photography
  • my reading list

And I am going to focus on this Bible verse for the year:

"Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith [giving the first incentive for our belief] and is also its Finisher [bringing it to maturity and perfection]. He, for the joy [of obtaining the prize] that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God." - Hebrew 12:2 (Amplified)

Focus on Him. I know in my heart that this is what I need to do each day, each moment...but there are so many distractions in this life.

Will I focus on Him every moment of every day? Probably not. But if I continue to remind myself that He is who I need to focus on, He will help me to do what is pleasing to Him. There is no checklist of goals or resolutions I need to complete each year.

Have you chosen One Word for 2015?