Capture Your 365, or not

Usually on Wednesday, I share my week’s worth of Capture Your 365 photos. But not this week. I knew we were going to a Civil War event this past weekend, so I thought I would take a break from the daily photo prompts and share some photos from our weekend.


ISO 200, 55mm, f/4.0, 1/160 sec

Kelsey and a couple of the girls decided to go out on the field as corpsmen with our 20th Maine group this past weekend. Basically, they are responsible for bandaging up any of the fallen soldiers on the field.

43rd Viriginia
43rd Viriginia

ISO 200, 200mm, f/5.6, 1/160 sec

This past year (even though we have only been to two events), Matthew has been ‘playing’ over on the confederate side of the field. Which means my children were on opposite sides!!

Matthew getting instructions
Matthew getting instructions

ISO 200, 200mm, f/5.6, 1/400 sec

So here is my son, Matthew, kneeling, getting ready to ‘fire’ upon the ‘enemy’.

Kelsey is wounded
Kelsey is wounded

ISO 200, 165 mm, f/5.3, 1/320 sec

Right in the middle of the photo, Kelsey is holding onto her ‘wounded’ arm.

At one point during the ‘battle’, Kelsey came to the front of their line and shouted, “Brother, stop shooting at us!” I could hear here all the way on the sidelines! Then ‘shots’ were fired, and over she went. Eventually, Matthew ended up being ‘shot’ and ‘died’ out on the field too.

full moon over camp
full moon over camp

ISO 100, 50mm, f/1.8, 1/500 sec

Overall, it was a beautiful weekend! This was our seventh time at this event! Civil War reenacting has been a great activity for our family. We have learned a lot about the Civil War, and we have been able to spend time with some wonderful people.

Dinner Table Talk


As a family, we are blessed with the opportunity to have a sit down dinner together most nights of the week. One of the things I like to find to keep conversations going at our dinner table is a daily calendar which make us all think. In years past, one of the calendars we enjoyed was based on one of our old favorite TV game shows, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? Since we haven’t been able to find one of those calendars the past couple of years, we have had to venture out to find some new challenging calendars.

This year, we have been going through this top tens list calendar. Some of the lists are rather easy to complete. Others? Well, let’s just say, we sure do learn a lot when we encounter some of these lists. Like the one above. We thought we were doing pretty well when we wrote down the following nine fruits:

  • mango
  • kiwi
  • pomegranate
  • apricot
  • kumquat
  • papaya
  • plantain
  • pluot
  • acai berries

Can you believe we only got one answer right?!?

Now, are you up for a challenge? In the comments below, let me know what fruits you think are the top ten most delicious and least-known fruits. In the meantime, we have some research to do….

Capture Your 365

Time for another week of Capture Your 365 photos!

black and white
black and white

ISO 100, 18mm, f/5.6, 1/250 sec

Day 250 – Black and White: If you know me and/or have been following my blog for some time, you know that I love to go on day trips to Yosemite. Having this amazing gem of a place within driving distance is such a blessing. There is so much beauty there, and each season has something special to offer its visitors. On this particular trip, my husband and I spent the day bike riding around the valley, something neither one of us had done before. We both enjoyed it so much!


ISO 100, 50mm, f/1.8, 1/20 sec

Day 251 – Simple: My husband and I celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary this month. Anniversaries come and go, but it is the simple (and sometimes not so simple), day to day stuff that we each work on together that keeps a marriage together.


ISO 800, 34mm, f/5.0, 1/8 sec

Day 252 – Routine: Welcome to Monday! Monday around here usually means laundry day. Not the most beautiful photo I have ever taken, but just a small part of my routine.

around the house
around the house

ISO 800, 55mm, f/5.6, 1/15 sec

Day 253 – Around the House: Most week day mornings, you will find my daughter in her room, up on her new loft bed, diligently working on her school work.

on the schedule
on the schedule

ISO 800, 55mm, f/5.6, 1/60 sec

Day 254 – On The Schedule: I know there are so many gadgets and apps to help you stay on task with your to-do list these days, but I seem to always fall back to a simple, written out, to-do list on a post it note. This helps me keep my to-do list somewhat reasonable for the day, and I don’t know about you, but there is satisfaction in actually checking items off of a list.

details of the day
details of the day

ISO 800, 48mm, f/5.6, 1/20 sec

Day 255 – Details of the Day: We like to have breakfast for dinner around here every now and then. I had purchased some strawberries at the local farmer’s market the night before, so waffles with strawberries sounded like the perfect dinner for this night. And a little whipped cream just makes it all a little bit more special!

on the table
on the table

ISO 800, 52mm, f/5.6, 1/15 sec

Day 256 – On The Table: It is not my intent to have food related photos in almost every Capture Your 365 blog post, but when the prompt fits, you just have to go with it! Anyway, I do enjoy using our cloth napkins at dinner. It has been a simple way to make our dinner table just a little more special, and we don’t go through near as many paper napkins any more. There are plenty of tutorials out there to follow to make your own set or two.

So there you have it! A full week of Capture Your 365 photos! What photos are you capturing during your week? I would love to see them!