December Compassion Share & Tell

With Christmas in just a few days, I know it is hard to even think about Valentine's Day! But since letters to our Compassion sponsored children can take 2 to 3 months to arrive in their hands, many sponsors will do a little planning ahead when writing their letters. While I didn't talk about Valentine's Day in the letters I wrote this week, I did find a great printable on Compassion's Second Friday Letter Writing Club board on Pinterest.


Here is what I wrote to Lina this month:

Hello Lina!

This month, I want to remind you how much God loves you! Do you know this verse from the Bible, John 3:16? "For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Sometimes it is hard to believe that God loves us that much, but He does! And He always will!

Are you familiar with the Leadership Development Program through Compassion? If so, is it something you have thought about for your future? A couple of weeks ago I traveled from my home in California to Colorado. I was able to attend the graduation ceremony for a Leadership Development Program student. She is a formerly sponsored Compassion child from Uganda. It was a blessing to be there for her celebration!

You asked what my favorite hobby is. I love to read. I like to read biographies and books that help me to learn more about God. Do you like to read books?

I want you to know that I continue to pray for you and your family!

I Love You!



When I write to my sponsored children, I like to pull out their binder that holds all of the letters I have received from them. This helps me see what questions they have asked so I can try to respond to their questions in my letter. In this month's mailing, I sent a postcard from Colorado, a printable USA map (which I colored in California and Colorado, and a printable from Compassion's Second Friday Letter Writing Club board on Pinterest.


In order to keep everything together for this mailing, I layered all the papers for each child, then stapled the postcard (with 2 staples) to the papers. My sponsor number and name, as well as Lina's number and name are written on everything. You can also print out your own labels with this information to speed things up a bit when preparing letters for your sponsored children.


Letters for all three children that I am currently writing to were placed in one large manila envelope. Like labels with names and numbers, I have printed out labels with Compassion's address. Just a simple step to save a little time!

Ready to share what you wrote to your sponsored child this month? Be sure to come back and join the link up!