Twelve Days of Compassion Christmas

Are you looking for a way to incorporate the Compassion Gift Catalog into your Christmas?

I kind of threw this together and have a few more ideas of expanding it, but I wanted to share this with all of you now.

Twelve Days of Compassion Christmas

Here is what you need to get started:

  1. Compassion's Gift Catalog (either a physical copy or access it online)
  2. Empty jar
  3. Dollar bills and coins
  4. Scissors
  5. Small clothespins
  6. Twelve Days of Compassion Christmas printable
  7. Twelve Days of Compassion Christmas printable ornaments

Once you have gathered all of the supplies, cut out the small ornaments. Attach them to your Christmas tree with the clothespins or create a banner with them somewhere in your home where everyone in your family can see them.

Pick twelve days in December. Mark these on your calendar.

On each of these twelve days, read the fact from the Twelve Days of Compassion Christmas printable, look up the item in the gift catalog, have some discussion, and put the money you collected for each day in your jar.

After you have completed the tasks for all twelve days, add up how much money is in your jar. Select an item from Compassion's Gift Catalog. You can place your order online, by mail (if you have a physical copy of the catalog), or by phone.

Your gift will help a child growing up in extreme poverty!

This may be the best gift your family has ever purchased!

If you give this a try or have some feedback, let you know!




Planning ahead for next Christmas

For the first time in three years, I ordered prints of our most recent family photos, put together a quick recap of our year, and actually mailed out Christmas cards to family and friends. 

Our Shutterfly Christmas card

As much as I loved putting together this peek into our family, I actually started working on Christmas cards the day after Christmas last year.

What do you mean you started last Christmas??

The Christmas cards we started on last Christmas were not cards for family or friends.

The Christmas cards we started on last Christmas were for people we may never meet.

For the past few years, we have worked on Christmas cards for Compassion's unsponsored children. During the year, we get together with sponsors from our church family to work on adding Bible verses and signing lots of Christmas cards. Some of the kids like to make homemade cards and we love to send those along too.

Want to participate with your family next year?

Planning ahead for next Christmas

Stock up on Christmas cards while they are on sale this week, or start collecting supplies to make cards through the year.

Set aside time to meet up with other sponsors to work on the cards through the year.

Collect the cards until next fall when we receive instructions on when and to whom to mail the Christmas cards.

Can I issue you a challenge?

In 2015, the Child Correspondence department at Compassion sent out 20,001 cards to unsponsored children for Christmas. This was a record breaking number!

20,001 Christmas Cards!!

You can help make next year another record breaking year!

By planning ahead for next Christmas, you can brighten a child's day with a special reminder that God loves them on Christmas Day.

Christmas Gift - Part Two

For Christmas, I had a really hard time figuring out what to give my children. In the years past, we have given them three gifts under the tree, plus a stocking full of unique and fun items.

But last month, I was stuck! What do you get for a 20 year old young man and a 15 year old young lady who even had a really hard time giving me a list of what they wanted for Christmas!

Then, by a strike of luck, I came up with an idea!!

My daughter has taken an interest in art and she loves superheroes. My son has taken an interest in soccer, especially since we watched quite a few games of the World Cup last summer.

So...for my daughter, we purchased quite a few art supplies and I was able to find a Heroes and Villains art exhibit at a local museum which is running through this month. Perfect! And for my son, he received a new (proper size!) soccer ball and cones with the promise of going to a soccer game some time this year.

Heroes and Villains exhibit

Today, as a family, we were able to visit the art exhibit. The bummer was, no photography was allowed of the exhibit. But my daughter really enjoyed this extra part of her Christmas gift. Makes me want to start thinking of ideas like this for next Christmas!

Ideas for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

When my kids were little, I learned about Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes and I loved how this was a tangible way for my kids to help share with other children at Christmas time. These shoeboxes not only end up being a small gift for a child at Christmas, it is a way to share the gospel with these children, so they may learn that Jesus loves them.

The Samaritan's Purse website has some great tips on suggested items to pack in a shoebox. I want to share with you what we included in our boxes this year.

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox items for a girl

For the little girl's box we included:

  • toothbrush and toothpaste
  • wash cloths and soap
  • bangle bracelets and plastic cups I found on clearance after Easter
  • rubber bands
  • hard candy
  • crayons
  • Play-doh
  • little doll
  • Bible theme game tablet
  • memo pads
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox items for a boy

For the boy box, we included a lot of the same items, but we made sure to include:

  • hot wheels
  • bouncy balls
  • pencils
follow your box labels

Samaritan's Purse makes it easy to follow your box by allowing you to pay for the shipping for the box online. Once you pay your shipping online, you are prompted to print out your labels for your box. Just attach these labels and you will be notified by e-mail to let you know what country your box or boxes are heading to.

Collection of Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes occur every November. Through the year, you and your family can be collecting items to put in your shoeboxes and praying for the children who will eventually receive your gift for Christmas.

Merry Christmas

Today, as I am spending time baking, wrapping presents, and making friendship bracelets (more on that later!), I want to remember to say 'Merry Christmas!' to you. I pray you have time today and tomorrow to simply be in awe of God's love for you.
