Kickstart to Clutter Free - Day 14

Finally, I have made time to tackle day 14 of Kathi Lipp's Kickstart to Clutter Free challenge! Today's challenge...the Dining Room...

Kickstart to Clutter Free - Dining Room

This is what my dining room looked like this morning. Yes, there is a bunch of stuff on the table and on that end chair. The dining room table is an easy place for me to dump stuff as we come into the house. Flat surfaces and I are constantly having a battle in our home. I know what I 'need' to do, but there are times when I am just too lazy to tackle it.

So this morning, I grabbed my Kickstart to Clutter Free checklist and started working on clearing off the table.

Kickstart to Clutter Free - Day 14

First thing I did was correct and look through my daughter's school work. As a homeschool mom, this is a constant task for me. But rather than put her books at her place on the table, I actually walked them back to her room. Less clutter on the table!

Then I started working my way through old mail and other things that found they way to trying to be permanent fixtures on the table.

I changed out the table cloth and stopped for some flowers on our way home from Bible study.

Kickstart to Clutter Free - Day 14

Amazing how just 15 minutes of clearing out the clutter can change the look of a room!

Now I know it has taken me a whole lot longer than 14 days to complete this challenge, but I am glad I was able to make it work around my life. I am looking forward to doing some deeper de-cluttering around our home over the next few weeks and months.

If you are looking to start de-cluttering your home, I really recommend Kathi's Kickstart to Clutter Free challenge. Just think, in 14 days you can clear out over 500 items in your home! 

Kickstart to Clutter Free - Day 13

After being under the weather for about a week, I finally had a chance to get back on track with Kathi's Kickstart to Clutter Free challenge. Today's task...eliminate 25 items from your car.

Kickstart to Clutter Free car

Front seat...yep, my empty Jamba Juice cup that was basically my lunch yesterday after a meeting out of town.

Kickstart to Clutter Free car

Back seat...a full trash container and a couple of water bottles.

But on closer inspection, once I looked in the glove compartment, the door pouches, the seat pockets, and the middle console, I was amazed at what I found in my car.

Kickstart to Clutter Free car

Pens, buttons, old paperwork, a power cord that we don't need, an old magazine, extra CDs, card games we don't use any more...I even found someone's missing pair of socks!

I was quickly able to go through what needed to be thrown away, put away, and set aside to give away.

And the exciting thing about completing today's task...I only have one more day to complete on this challenge, which means I have eliminated over 475 items from my home!

Kickstart to Clutter Free - Day 12

Last summer, after reading Kathi's book, Clutter Free, I cleared out one whole bookcase of books and had my daughter help me go through the clothes in my closet. So for today's Kickstart to Clutter Free challenge, I was able to clear out some of the other items in my closet.

As of this morning, my closet looked like this:

Kickstart to Clutter Free closet
Kickstart to Clutter Free closet
Kickstart to Clutter Free closet

I was quickly able to find 25 items to remove from my closet

Kickstart to Clutter Free closet

There are still many things I would like to clear out of my closet, but I keep reminding myself that this is just a start.

Kickstart to Clutter Free closet

So the before and after picture don't look much different, but I do know that at this point, there are 25 less things in my closet!

Kickstart to Clutter Free closet

I am so excited that I only have two more days to complete on Kathi's Kickstart to Clutter Free eCourse challenge! If you are wanting to clear out clutter in your home, you should definitely look into Kathi's eCourse. I know it is making a big difference in my home!


Kickstart to Clutter Free - Day 11

Getting closer to the last day of Kathi's Kickstart to Clutter Free challenge! Today's challenge is the medicine cabinet. Our 'medicine cabinet' lives in two areas in our home, one shelf in the kitchen and one drawer in one of the bathrooms.

So let's see the kitchen area first:

Kickstart to Clutter Free medicine cabinet

This shelf is where our vitamins and pain relievers live...or so I thought:

Kickstart to Clutter Free medicine cabinet

Once I pulled everything out, I was kind of surprised with how much was living on that shelf. So I checked dates on the bottles and boxes, and put back everything that I was keeping. Here is everything that I didn't put back:

Kickstart to Clutter Free medicine cabinet

Not sure why I was keeping all of those care and use guides, but they quickly made their way to the garbage. And the outdated benadryl?

Kickstart to Clutter Free medicine cabinet

Added it to my shopping list because it is something we need to keep on hand.

With the kitchen shelf cleared out, it was time to clear out the drawer in the bathroom:

Kickstart to Clutter Free medicine cabinet

Yep, this drawer is a mess!

Kickstart to Clutter Free medicine cabinet

My kids are 21 and 16, so I know we have no use for Baby Orajel, not even going to think about how old that tube is! Why is the towel ring hanging out in the bathroom drawer? Who knows, definitely something to give away. And that old instant thermometer? It doesn't even work anymore. That ended up in the trash.

Kickstart to Clutter Free medicine cabinet

Ah, much better!

Kickstart to Clutter Free medicine cabinet

Over the past couple of weeks, I have had the opportunity to attend Kathi's Finally Clutter Free events. She is a big believer in that when we overcome clutter in our lives, we are free to become world changers. One way that she is a world changer is by sponsoring children through Compassion international and sharing about her experiences at her events. At the last two events she has held, 12 children have been sponsored!

Not only do I encourage you to give Kathi's eCourse a try, but give it a try so you can clear out clutter in your home and become a world changer for a Compassion child today!

Kickstart to Clutter Free - Day 10

Yes! Made it to double digits of this Kickstart to Clutter Free challenge! Only four more days to go! Today's task was the laundry room:

Kickstart to Clutter Free Laundry room

Our laundry room is right off the entry area of our home and my main path into our home from the garage.

Kickstart to Clutter Free Laundry room

I love having a laundry room in the house rather than in the garage like we did in our first home. Since this is not an overly large room, I have tried to make good use of the space.

Kickstart to Clutter Free Laundry room

But like most rooms in our home, there is definitely some clutter that needs to go away.

Kickstart to Clutter Free Laundry room

Take this basket of clothes pin for instance. Now there have been times when I have needed to hang laundry to dry, but do I really need a whole basket full of clothes pins? No. I bagged up half of what was in this basket and they are going with me on my next trip to the thrift store to donate.

Once I put away the shirt that was on the back of the door, got the extra laundry soap and stuff off the floor, and cleared off that shelf, the laundry room now looks like this:

Kickstart to Clutter Free Laundry room

And that shelf above the washer and dryer now looks like this:

Kickstart to Clutter Free Laundry room

Now you might be wondering about those papers attached to the front of the cupboard. When my son was in high school, we focused on some life skills and one of those life skills was laundry. He typed up a paper on how to wash different items, like whites, darks, towels, etc.  The paper comes in handy when for some reason my husband needs to do a load of laundry.

And those drawings, they make me smile. So they are definitely staying where they are.

Kickstart to Clutter Free Laundry room

If you are wanting to tackle the clutter in your home, I know you will just love Kathi's eCourse, Kickstart to Clutter Free.  

Next task is the medicine cabinet...