Kickstart to Clutter Free - Day 3

Today's area from Kathi's eCourse is one that I usually don't have too much trouble keeping clutter free. The kitchen counter top...

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 3

But then again, on this particular day, I was able to find homes for 19 things that really don't need to live on my counter.

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 3

Once I put each of these items away (and a few items ended up in the giveaway box), I cleared the remaining items off the counter and cleaned all the surfaces.

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 3

This is another before picture, but I wanted to show this to point out one thing. See the bananas hanging? Years ago, we put a large cup hook under the counter to keep the bananas off the counter. Honestly, I believe it helps keep the bananas from getting too ripe too quickly. Every now and then, we have a stray banana that doesn't like to stay with the group. Today, I gave that stray banana a new home...

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 3 the freezer! This will be a great way to have ripe bananas on hand for smoothies or banana bread, yum!

So what did the counter look like once I was done with this challenge?

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 3

Ah! And this took me no more than 15 minutes to acheive! 

Now some people might ask why my KitchenAide mixer is still on my counter? I use that thing every single week, and I really don't have the cabinet space to store it. Plus, I don't know if you have ever lifted one of those things, but they are heavy! I would rather have it on my counter and use it, than continually have to lift it out of a counter which might prevent me from using it as often.

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 3

The great thing about a challenge like this is we are able to tweak somethings to suit our own individual needs.

Stay tuned for Day 4!